Internet problems

Still having problems with Internet access. We bought an extra 2 gig of access till the end of the month, but it meant having a new temporary account and changing all sorts of settings, and in the process some e-mail was lost, as they put in the wrong address. Things seem to be working for now, though, so if you sent any e-mail to which you expected a reply, please resend.

And please, before sending any e-mail with big attachments (over 100Kb), ASK FIRST! Running out of bandwidth causes huge problems.

No web access

I’ve had no access to the Web since last Thursday (15 March), and am posting this from an internet cafe, so there won’t be any new postings or responses to comments here until access is restored, whenever that may be. So if you’ve made a comment on this blog and there has been been no response, that is why.

I’m not sure what the problem is — my normal e-mail still seems to be working for now, though Web mail on Gmail, Yahoo etc is gone. We’ve reported it as a fault, but it could be that we have just run out of bandwidth — kids looking at too many YouTube videos or something. I never look at YouTube myself for precisely this reason, but I think my sons do. If that is the cause, then we’ll have to forbid videos altogether. My wife is looking for a job, and losing Web access for 2 weeks each month makes it difficult.

Benoke family – Allen descendants

June Murphy has just sent me a lot of information on the family of her great grandfather Hooper Scott Benoke, and from it I’ve been able to to work out that June and I are 5th cousins, and we are both descended from William and Ann Allen of Winscombe, Somerset.

The Allen family seems to have been quite prolific. At various times I’ve discovered mysterious cousins staying with Hayes relatives in censuses in Bristol, and have gradually been tracking them down, and most have turned out to be Allen descendants. Some of the surnames of descendants are Hayes, Williams, Hill, Purnell, Nipper, Benoke and there are probably many more to be discovered.


Nothing much to report.

Several people have got in touch over the last couple of months, and promised to get back to us with more information, but so far none of them have.

Just writing this to show that this blog hasn’t been abandoned.